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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hello my friends I m back wid some News n today I m going to give a Special Report  which u will going to know later in the blog, which I think will going to fascinate you.
but Before that some News to tell u..

Salman Khan's Apology on 26/11 Remarks Please Sena

Evidently appeased by Salman Khan's apology over his contentious remarks on 26/11, Shiv Sena on Tuesday, Sep 14 said that there was not reason to nurse hatred against the Bollywood star as his family
 was truly patriotic.

In the latest editorial in party mouth piece Saamna, Sena supremo Bal Thackaray said, "There is no reason for us to harbour anger against Salman. His family is nationalist and patriotic in true sense.
But does anyone knows what was the true story behind Salman's 26/11 statement..... thinking to put some light on it.......
So I want through the video of the controversial interview given by Salman Khan to pakistan news channel n derived some of these facts and then search the whole net for the plot, backgroud for starting of the controversy....
 Pretty much everyone decided to have a go at him.News Channels , Politicians , immature Internet users ...everyone.I do not know Salman Khan personally , nor i do not know what kind of person he is on a daily basis, but i do not think he did anything wrong here.In fact, if an impressionable mind was watching it would only learn good.Which is what he was promoting.Peace and Love.Between People , Religions and Countries.And at NO POINT in this interview did he say he gave Pakistan a clean chit regarding 26/11.Everyone keeps talking about it on the news, where did it come from ? He didn't say it.What he DID say was terrorists are just terrorists.They have No Religion , country or guts.

There is a point in the video where he says the words " Everybody umm..knew that...that the Government is not behind it,.. they just knew there umm.. there was a terrorist attack"
a.I think he meant the Good Part of the Government.The part we all believe in and vote for.Yes contrary to popular belief there are Good Politicians ( i hope ) AND Bad numerous scams that surface and disappear just as magically.**cough**cough** CWG **Cough **cough ...yea ..We have that here as well.i think it's a universal thing.
b.i really don't think the above said words can be taken for giving Pakistan a clean chit.
c.even if he did think the ENTIRE government was corrupt it wouldn't be a good idea to say it to them on camera.
d.all this crap is just speculation.
Watch the video , i don't think he meant anything by what he said.Don't just hear the words, listen to they way he's saying them..his face.. He was just conversing...Maybe if he used the word "ALLEGEDLY" everywhere no one would have a problem.This whole thing is lame.i should friggin be asleep right now.
What he should have said was People didn't know what was going on , all they knew was it was a terrorist attack.

All he said was that our security failed.Which it did.Miserably.
I say Pakistan the Country... is not a terrorist.There are innocent men women and children that live there.Pakistani Terrorists are terrorists.Some retarded News Reporter probably asked the question " Er Er excuse me sir Salman Khan ne Pakistan ko clean chit diya hai aapko iske baare mein kya kehna hai ? " and that's probably where the clean chit nonsense came from.

Here's another thought.No one sees it because we have been conditioned.Either the Media is retarded or they're evil and out to destroy the world through cleverly worded Headlines / Captions / Supers.HAVE YOU BEEN READING CAREFULLY LATELY ? Although in this case fictitious  as the words may be , I have a problem with the words " gave Pakistan a Clean Chit " - Pakistan ? Why do they keep referring to Pakistan as "A" Terrorist.Sad.
Why all this controversy arrived when only, when Salman's film Dabangg was announced a SMASH HIT, looking something fishy naa I too get suspicious n then I google it too.....
but during my when I was googling I thought how does this Video came into Light n I started searching In that way n I come wid this result...
The "NEWS channels" here in India , all of whom this controversy is growing, had have thought , something to make a story which can be sold ! ..yea! yea !... use Salman khan he is getting to much lime light from his Movie Dabangg should have too use him in the story, then they start googling, tubing n same type of stuff for the base off story n when they got the video, they edit it, with there skill to make video hot n controversial shots of Salman Khan out of context to sensationalise / mislead a viewer.For example.There's a shot in the Salman Khan Interview where he has his face in his palms 12:03 in the first video.News channels have used that to make it look like he's fried about what he said . Brilliant.I hate it when any media does that.It is wrong to take things out of context especially for News.People doing ( hopefully tasteful ) spoofs having fun is a different thing altogether.But THIS is WRONG.

and then when I was writing this blog I thought, that have any NEWS CHANNEL asked any of the politicians the questions they should have ..
   Er ..excuse me sir ? Do we have Coastal Security yet ? Do we have bullet proof vests and working guns for our all cops yet ? What happened to our Advanced Tactical Force ? No News about that ? Our railways and railway stations are the same as they were before , have you installed some sort of invisible anti terrorist device after the metal detector plan failed ?

It's terrible that Salman Khan has to go through this shit.He did not speak ill of anything or anyone at any point in the interview.The reason that this fries me so much , is not Salman Khan.This is not about Salman Khan.This is about the sad state of affairs with the people that influence masses.The real terrorist here is Ignorance.

I could be wrong.I could be right.But this is how i feel.I am allowed to tell you how i feel.Our founding fathers put it in the Constitution.

Don't believe everything you read , hear or see.If you really want the truth.
Then just like me Google it n you will get those facts........

PAIN that can NEVER be HEALED..... 
This is how Taj looked before getting attacked by the Terrorists on 26/11/08
As I think till now u all have get the idea that what special report is going to contain n yes you ate right it will going to be on Mumbai Attack or The Taj Conspiracy or 26/11.

The 2008 Mumbai attacks were more than ten coordinated shooting and bombing attacks across Mumbai, India's largest city, by Islamic terrorists from Pakistan. The attacks, which drew widespread condemnation across the world, began on 26 November 2008 and lasted until 29 November, killing at least 173 people and wounding at least 308.
Eight of the attacks occurred in South Mumbai: at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, the Oberoi Trident, the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, Leopold Cafe, Cama Hospital (a women and children's hospital), the Orthodox Jewish-owned Nariman House, the Metro Cinema, and a lane behind the Times of India building and St. Xavier's College. There was also an explosion at Mazagaon, in Mumbai's port area, and in a taxi at Vile Parle. By the early morning of 28 November, all sites except for the Taj hotel had been secured by Mumbai Police and security forces. An action by India's National Security Guards (NSG) on 29 November (the action is officially named Operation Black Tornado) resulted in the death of the last remaining attackers at the Taj hotel, ending all fighting in the attacks.
Ajmal Kasab, the only attacker who was captured alive, disclosed that the attackers were members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Pakistan-based militant organization, considered a terrorist organization by India, the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, among others. The Indian Government said that the attackers came from Pakistan, and their controllers were in Pakistan.
On 7 January 2009, after more than a month of denying the nationality of the attackers, Pakistan's Information Minister Sherry Rehman officially accepted Ajmal Kasab's nationality as Pakistani. On 12 February 2009, Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik, in a televised news briefing, confirmed that parts of the attack had been planned in Pakistan and said that six people, including the alleged mastermind, were being held in connection with the attacks. A trial court on May 6, 2010 awarded Ajmal Kasab the death sentence on five counts.
Taj on fire after the attack on 26th November, 2008   

Entry into India

According to investigations the attackers traveled by sea from Karachi, Pakistan across the Arabian Sea, hijacked the Indian fishing trawler 'Kuber', killing the crew of four, and then forced the captain to sail to Mumbai. After killing the captain, the terrorists entered Mumbai on a rubber dinghy. The captain of 'Kuber', Amar Singh Solanki, had earlier been imprisoned for six months in a Pakistani jail for illegally fishing in Pakistani waters. The attackers stayed and were trained by the Lashkar-e-Taiba in a safehouse at Azizabad near Karachi before boarding a small boat for Mumbai.
The first events were detailed around 20:00 Indian Standard Time (IST) on 26 November, when 10 men in inflatable speedboats came ashore at two locations in Colaba. They reportedly told local Marathi-speaking fishermen who asked them who they were to "mind their own business" before they split up and headed two different ways. The fishermen's subsequent report to police received little response.

Attack Sites

Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus

The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) was attacked by two gunmen, one of whom, Ajmal Kasab, was later caught alive by the police and identified by eyewitnesses. The attacks began around 21:30 when the two men entered the passenger hall and opened fire, using AK-47 rifles. The attackers killed 58 people and injured 104 others, their assault ending at about 22:45. Security forces and emergency services arrived shortly afterwards. The two gunmen fled the scene and fired at pedestrians and police officers in the streets, killing eight police officers. The terrorists passed a police station. Many of the outgunned police officers were afraid to confront the terrorists, and instead switched off the lights and secured the gates. The terrorists headed towards Cama hospital intending to kill patients, but the hospital staff locked all of the patient wards. The two men reached the hospital and attempted to enter the patient wards. They demanded a glass of water from the hospital staff. They asked the man who gave it to them what his religion was, and shot him dead when he said he was a Hindu. When local police arrived, Kasab and Khan threw grenades and shot a police officer dead before fleeing. A team of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad led by Police chief Hemant Karkare searched the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and then headed out in pursuit of Kasab and Khan. Kasab and Khan opened fire on the pursuing vehicle, and the police returned fire. Karkare and four of his officers were killed, and the only survivor was wounded. However, the terrorists ran into a police roadblock, which had been set up after the wounded police officer radioed for help, leading to a gun battle in which Khan was killed, and Kasab was wounded. Kasab struggled with police as they arrested him.

Leopold Cafe

The Leopold Cafe, a popular restaurant and bar on Colaba Causeway in South Mumbai, was one of the first sites to be attacked. Two attackers opened fire on the cafe on 26 November night, killing at least 10 people (including some foreigners), and injuring many more. The terrorists fired into the street as they fled the scene.
Bomb blasts in taxis
There were two explosions in taxis caused by timer bombs. The first one occurred at 22:40 at Vile Parle, killing the driver and a passenger. The second explosion took place at Wadi Bunder between 22:20 and 22:25. Three people including the driver of the taxi were killed, and about 15 other people were injured.

Taj Mahal Hotel and Oberoi Trident

Two hotels, the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower and the Oberoi Trident, were amongst the four locations targeted. Six explosions were reported at the Taj hotel and one at the Oberoi Trident. At the Taj Mahal, firefighters rescued 200 hostages from windows using ladders during the first night.
CNN initially reported on the morning of the 27 November 2008 that the hostage situation at the Taj had been resolved and quoted the police chief of  stating that all hostages were freed;however, it was learned later that day that there were still two attackers holding hostages, including foreigners, in the Taj Mahal hotel.

CNN initially reported on the morning of the 27 November 2008 that the hostage situation at the Taj had been resolved and quoted the police chief of Maharashtra stating that all hostages were freed; however, it was learned later that day that there were still two attackers holding hostages, including foreigners, in the Taj Mahal hotel.
During the attacks, both hotels were surrounded by Rapid Action Force personnel and Marine Commandos (MARCOS) and National Security Guards (NSG) commandos. When reports emerged that attackers were receiving television broadcasts, feeds to the hotels were blocked. All attackers were out of the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels by the early morning of 29 November. Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan of the NSG lost his life as a result of a gun shot during the evacuation of Commando Sunil Yadav who was hit in the leg by a bullet during the rescue operations at Taj.
A number of European Parliament Committee on International Trade delegates were staying in the Taj Mahal hotel when it was attacked, but none of them were injured. British Conservative Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Sajjad Karim (who was in the lobby when attackers initially opened fire there) and German Social Democrat MEP Erika Mann were hiding in different parts of the building. Also reported present was Spanish MEP Ignasi Guardans, who was barricaded in a hotel room. Another British Conservative MEP, Syed Kamall, reported that he along with several other MEPs left the hotel and went to a nearby restaurant shortly before the attack. Kamall also reported that Polish MEP Jan Masiel was thought to have been sleeping in his hotel room when the attacks started, but eventually left the hotel safely. Kamall and Guardans reported that a Hungarian MEP's assistant was shot. Also caught up in the shooting were the President of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, while checking in at the Oberoi Trident, and Indian MP N. N. Krishnadas of Kerala and Sir Gulam Noon while having dinner at a restaurant in the Taj hotel.

Nariman House
Nariman House, a Chabad Lubavitch Jewish center in Colaba known as the Mumbai Chabad House, was taken over by two attackers and several residents were held hostage. Police evacuated adjacent buildings and exchanged fire with terrorists, wounding one. Local residents were told to stay inside. Terrorists threw a grenade into a nearby lane, causing no casualties. NSG commandos arrived from Delhi, and a Naval helicopter took an aerial survey. During the first day, 9 hostages were rescued from the first floor. The following day, the house was stormed by NSG commandos fast-roping from helicopters onto the roof, covered by snipers positioned in nearby buildings. After a long battle, one NSG commando and both terrorists were killed. Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka Holtzberg, who was six months pregnant, were murdered with other hostages inside the house by the attackers.

A lady prays as the operation by NSG commandos go on in a nearby Nariman House

The terrorists "would be told by their handlers in Pakistan that the lives of Jews were worth 50 times those of non-Jews." They were tortured very badly.

End of the attacks

By the morning of 27 November, the army had secured the Jewish outreach center at Nariman House as well as the Oberoi Trident hotel. They also incorrectly believed that the Taj Mahal Palace and Towers had been cleared of attackers, and soldiers were leading hostages and holed-up guests to safety, and removing bodies of those killed in the attacks. However, later news reports indicated that there were still two or three attackers in the Taj, with explosions heard and gunfire exchanged. Fires were also reported at the ground floor of the Taj with plumes of smoke arising from the first floor. The final operation at the Taj Mahal Palace hotel was completed by the NSG commandos at 08:00 on 29 November, killing three attackers and resulting in the conclusion of the attacks. The security forces rescued 250 people from the Oberoi, 300 from the Taj and 60 people (members of 12 different families) from Nariman House. In addition, police seized a boat filled with arms and explosives anchored at Mazgaon dock off Mumbai harbour.
Roof of the Taj Hotel on fire after attack


The attackers had planned the attack several months ahead of time and knew some areas well enough for the attackers to vanish, and reappear after security forces had left. Several sources have quoted Kasab telling the police that the group received help from Mumbai residents. The attackers used at least three SIM cards purchased on the Indian side of the border with Bangladesh, pointing to some local collusion. There were also reports of one SIM card purchased in New Jersey, USA. Police had also mentioned that Faheem Ansari, an Indian Lashkar operative who had been arrested in February 2008, had scouted the Mumbai targets for the November attacks. Later, the police arrested two Indian suspects, Mikhtar Ahmad, who is from Srinagar in Kashmir, and Tausif Rehman, a resident of Kolkata. They supplied the SIM cards, one in Calcutta, and the other in New Delhi.

Save Us! Guests stuck in hotel rooms writing on the hotel room window glass panes.

Type 86 Grenades made by China's state-owned Norinco were used in the attacks.
Blood tests on the attackers indicate that they had taken cocaine and LSD during the attacks, to sustain their energy and stay awake for 50 hours. Police say that they found syringes on the scenes of the attacks. There were also indications that they had been taking steroids. The gunman who survived said that the attackers had used Google Earth to familiarise themselves with the locations of buildings used in the attacks.

The Mumbai attacks were planned and directed by Lashkar-e-Taiba militants inside Pakistan, and carried out by ten young armed men trained and sent to Mumbai and directed from inside Pakistan via mobile phones and VoIP.
In July 2009 Pakistani authorities confirmed that LeT plotted and financed the attacks from LeT camps in Karachi and Thatta. In November 2009, Pakistani authorities charged seven men they had arrested earlier, of planning and executing the assault.
Mumbai police originally identified 37 suspects –-including two army officers-– for their alleged involvement in the plot. All but two of the suspects, many of whom are identified only through aliases, are Pakistani. Two more suspects arrested in the United States in October 2009 for other attacks were also found to have been involved in planning the Mumbai attacks. One of these men, Pakistani American David Headley, was found to have made several trips to India before the attacks and gathered video and GPS information on behalf of the plotters.

Cooperation with Pakistan

Pakistan initially contested that Pakistanis were responsible for the attacks, blaming plotters in Bangladesh and Indian criminals, a claim rubbished by India, and saying they needed information from India on other bombings first.
Pakistani authorities finally agreed the attackers were Pakistani on 7 January 2009, and registered a case against three Pakistani nationals.
The Indian government supplied evidence to Pakistan and other governments, in the form of interrogations, weapons, and call records of conversations during the attacks. In addition, Indian government officials said that the attacks were so sophisticated that they must have had official backing from Pakistani "agencies", an accusation denied by Pakistan.
Under U.S. and U.N. pressure, Pakistan arrested a few members of Jamaat ud-Dawa and briefly put its founder under house arrest, but he was found to be free a few days later. A year after the attacks, Mumbai police continued to complain that Pakistani authorities are not cooperating by providing information for their investigation. Meanwhile, journalists in Pakistan said security agencies were preventing them from interviewing people from Kasab's village. Home Minister P. Chidambaram said the Pakistani authorities had not shared any information about American suspects Headley and Rana, but that the FBI had been more forthcoming.

There were ten gunmen, nine of whom were subsequently shot dead and one captured by security forces. Witnesses reported that they looked to be in their early twenties, wore black t-shirts and jeans, and that they smiled and looked happy as they shot their victims.
Pictures of young Terrorists caught on CCTV camera at Mumbai CST Train Station.
It was initially reported that some of the attackers were British citizens, but the Indian Government later stated that there was no evidence to confirm this. Similarly, early reports of twelve gunmen were also later shown to be incorrect.
On 9 December, the ten attackers were identified by Mumbai police, along with their home towns in Pakistan: Ajmal Amir from Faridkot, Abu Ismail Dera Ismail Khan from Dera Ismail Khan, Hafiz Arshad and Babr Imran from Multan, Javed from Okara, Shoaib from Narowal, Nazih and Nasr from Faisalabad, Abdul Rahman from Arifwalla, and Fahad Ullah from Dipalpur Taluka. Dera Ismail Khan is in the North-West Frontier Province; the rest of the towns are in Pakistani Punjab.
On April 6, 2010; the Home minister of Maharashtra State, which includes Mumbai, informed the assembly that the bodies of the 9 killed Pakistani gunmen from the 2008 attack on Mumbai were buried in a secret location in January 2010. The bodies had been in the mortuary of a Mumbai hospital after Muslim clerics in the city refused to let them be buried on their grounds.


Indians criticised their political leaders after the attacks, saying that their ineptness was partly responsible. The Times of India commented on its front page that "Our politicians fiddle as innocents die." Political reactions in Mumbai and India included a range of resignations and political changes, including the resignations of Minister for Home Affairs, Shivraj Patil,Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Vilasrao Deshmukh, and Deputy Chief Minister of Maharastra R. R. Patil. Prominent Muslim personalities such as Bollywood actor Aamir Khan appealed to the community members in the country to observe Eid al-Adha as a day of mourning on 9 December 2008. The business establishment also reacted, with changes to transport, and requests for an increase in self-defense capabilities The attacks also triggered a chain of citizens' movements across India such as the India Today Group's "War Against Terror" campaign. There were vigils held across all of India with candles and placards commemorating the victims of the attacks. The NSG commandos based in Delhi also met criticism for taking 10 hours to reach the terrorists.

International reaction for the attacks was widespread, with many countries and international organizations condemning the attacks and expressing their condolences to the civilian victims. Many important personalities around the world also condemned the attacks. Outgoing US President George W. Bush said "We pledge the full support of the United States as India investigates these attacks, brings the guilty to justice and sustains its democratic way of life." Likewise, a spokesman for then President-elect Barack Obama said that Mr. Obama “strongly condemns today’s terrorist attacks in Mumbai, and his thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the people of India.
"Media coverage highlighted the use of new media and Internet social networking tools, including Twitter and Flickr, in spreading information about the attacks. In addition, many Indian bloggers and Wikipedia offered live textual coverage of the attacks. A map of the attacks was set up by a web journalist using Google Maps. The New York Times, in July 2009, described the event as "what may be the most well-documented terrorist attack anywhere."



Kasab's trial

Kasab's trial was delayed due to legal issues, as many Indian lawyers were unwilling to represent him. A Mumbai Bar Association passed a resolution proclaiming that none of its members would represent Kasab. However, the Chief Justice of India stated that Kasab needed a lawyer for a fair trial. A lawyer for Kasab was eventually found, but was replaced due to a conflict of interest. On 25 February 2009, Indian investigators filed an 11,000-page Chargesheet, formally charging Kasab with murder, conspiracy, and waging war against India among other charges. Kasab's trial began on 6 May 2009. He initially pleaded not guilty, but later admitted his guilt on 20 July 2009. He initially apologized for the attacks and claimed that he deserved the death penalty for his crimes, but later retracted these claims, saying that he had been tortured by police to force his confession, and that he had been arrested while roaming the beach. The court had accepted his plea, but due to the lack of completeness within his admittance, the judge had deemed that many of the 86 charges were not addressed and therefore the trial continued. Kasab could, and will almost certainly, be hanged if given the maximum penalty of death. Kasab was convicted of all 86 charges on 3 May 2010. He was found guilty of murder for directly killing seven people, conspiracy to commit murder for the deaths of the 166 people killed in the three-day terror siege, waging war against India, causing terror, and of conspiracy to murder two high-ranking police officers. On 6 May 2010, he was sentenced to death by hanging.

Media Coverage





Casualties and compensation






Final Report Submitted for Mumbai Attack By Police (click here)

"Still Some Question's remaining to ask, Some by Our Government and Some by Us
Still Some Answer to get, Some by Planner's and Some by Ourselves...."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hello my friends I m back wid some News, New trailers, Reviews n dis time wid some Handy gyan too....

Salman Khan's Dabangg smashes 3 Idiots' Day 1 box office record

Salman Khan's masala movie has broken the record of Aamir Khan's 3 IdiotsDabangg opened to Rs 14 crore on Friday, beating 3 Idiots which collected Rs 13 crore on its first day.

The movie opened to full houses from the first show onwards across the country. Be it single screens, or multiplex, the audience are greeting the latest action icon Salman Khan with clapping and whistling.
 It took eight months for a movie to break 3 Idiots' record of the opening day box office collections. Dabangg surely lives up to its name and has had a "fearless" run at the box office on its opening day with net collections of approximately Rs 145 million (Rs 14.50 crore), thus beating 3 Idiots' opening day collections of Rs 130 million (Rs 13 crore).
Going by the euphoria surrounding Salman Khan, who is being touted as Bollywood's Rajnikant after Dabangg, the opening weekend collections of the movie should be in the range of Rs 430 - 450 million (Rs 43- 45 crore) and will beat 3 Idiots' Rs 380 million (Rs 38 crore) opening weekend record.

"I don't remember the last time a film registered houseful collections all the way till Tuesday," says Manoj Desai (Multiplex Owner in Mumbai).

"Ganesh Chaturthi and Eid now fall on the same day (Saturday) and we are expecting crazy crowds over the weekend. Handling the horde and the security concern will be major nightmares," says Desai.
Dabangg took a stupendous opening at single screens as well as multiplexes across the country. The single screens have contributed to a large extend in taking Dabangg's box office to greater heights.Dabangg has been received extremely well at circuits like Rajasthan and CI. While 3 Idiots collected Rs 68 lakhs from Rajasthan on Day 1, Dabangg has done a whopping business of Rs 81 lakhs. On the other hand, in CI, Dabangg saw net collections of approximately Rs 62 lakhs on day 1 as compared to 3 Idiots' Rs 48 lakhs.
Dabangg's Day 2 and Day 3 at the box office are eagerly anticipated as this will set another top opening weekend box office record overtaking 3 Idiots. 3 Idiots' net collections on Saturday and Sunday stood at Rs 116.50 million (Rs 11.65 crore) and Rs 132.50 million (Rs 13.25 crore) respectively.

So if you are planning to watch Dabangg this weekend, you won't be disappointed. Dabangg which has been generating a lot of buzz has opened in 1,584 screens in India and in terms of numbers.
Considering the film is releasing on Eid, it's likely to attract grand business on not just Saturday and Sunday, but also Monday.

Top 5 Opening Day Net Collections
1) Dabangg: Rs 145 million (Rs 14.50 crore)
2) 3 Idiots: Rs 130 million (Rs 13 crore)
3) Raajneeti / Kites: Rs 105 million (Rs 10.50 crore)
4) Housefull: Rs 95 million (Rs 9.50 crore)
5) Ghajini: Rs 90 million (Rs 9 crore)

Iconic Family TV serial Khichdi turns into a Movie

Hollywood has seen successful translation of popular serials like Mr Bean, Batman, Simpsons, and Sex and the City into hit movies and we have learnt that acclaimed Indians TV soaps are also catching up with this international trend

Indian TV serial titled Khichdi is being made into a movie and is being presented by a top Hollywood production that has presented Bollywood movies like Slumdog Millionaire and My Name is Khan in India.
 “The TV serial changed the grammar of comedy. Viewers were enjoying watching it again and again and we are sure that the movie will create the same magic on the big screen and hopefully redefine comedy in Indian cinema,” said JD. “The film will now take the madness atleast 10 notches ahead,” added writer and director Aatish
A highly placed source reveals, “The film is freshly written and retains the humour and the eccentricities of the much loved characters that have made close to 50 million people laugh over the last seven years whilst taking an updated view of today’s times.”

Audiences loved the saaf suthri comedy and wii going to found it to be funnier than most recent comedy films. Looking for new experiences than let’s face it.
There are very few good clean comedy films that one can go and watch with the entire family… that’s the promise of this movie.
The film is being produced by Jamnadas Majethia (JD) and has been written and directed by Aatish Kapadia.

Golmaal 3 Trailer out and Expects Bigg Buzz
When its a Rohit Shetty movie, you can be sure of some high octane action sequences which include the likes of cars blasting, actors standing on top of moving bikes, etc. While his actors are expected to do some heavy duty action sequences in his movies, this time for his latest movie “Golmaal 3“, Rohit Shetty decided to get his actress Kareena Kapoor also to do a dhamakedaar stunt sequence.

Kareena Kapoor, who was also seen in Rohit’s “Golmaal Returns“, will now be seen making a dramatic entry by standing on the bonnet of a moving car in “Golmaal 3” Bebo insisted on performing the daredevil stunt scene herself and ended up doing the scene like a pro. A source who was present on the sets says, “It was a very difficult scene. Not only did Kareena Kapoor have to maintain her balance but she also had to get her expressions right. She agreed to do the stunt on the condition that the director, Rohit Shetty would drive the car himself. Kareena Kapoor was tied with a harness and had a support but the car was taking turns. It was quite a tough stunt”.
So it was Rohit Shetty indeed who sat on the driver’s seat when Kareena Kapoor pulled off this amazing stunt. Bebo on her part seems to have had a ball doing this daredevil stunt sequence. The gorgeous actress says, “I have had an absolutely fantastic time shooting for the movie. The entry sequence was planned this way and Rohit explained it to me in detail. When he is around, I have nothing to worry about. In the final analysis, the shot looks amazing”Golmaal 3 carries the burden of humungous expectations and the first promo of the film more than lives up to the hype. Like all Rohit Shetty films, it promises lots of fun, excitement and loads of entertainment. I am sure, the promo will be greeted with ceetees and taalis at plexes and single screens alike. It leaves you asking for more!
This Diwali, Golmaal 3 is sure to strike like lightening. It is sure to tickle your funny bone yet again. Oh yes, this time it promises to be bigger and better.......

GOLMAAL 3 too has a thumping climax which has been shot in Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad. Art director Narendra Rahurikar elaborates that a huge field was converted into a fair with lots of rides and fun and games and food stalls. Care was taken so that no big buildings could be seen from the site of the shooting. 

One of the highlights of the climax is a car flying fifty feet high in the air and crashing into a ride and then it comes hurtling down to the ground along with the driver. Narendra also added that Rohit loves bright colours and so they have used vibrant colours like orange, yellow, red etc and he also uses neon effects to make the colours more appealing, moreover children enjoy such scenes as it gives them a video games type effect.

Well it certainly looks like we are in for a rollicking roller coaster ride with GOLMAAL 3 when it releases all over this Diwali.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Hey I m back.... wid some new reviews of old films n for some new one's too....
but first of all how did u like the trailer of  ACTION REPLAYY statrring Akshay kumar n Aishwarya Rai
I found it bit common to the old Akshay movies same type of comedies, same type of acting but but but              
something is looking different in the trailer and wat's that yaaa i got it, it's Aishwarya Rai Bacchan who is looking hot n sexy  in the film wid  some new energy and latka jhatkas she will be going to burn d screen.......

Action Replayy is a film which is set in the era 1970 which is  called as  GOLDEN ERA of  bollywood..... long hairs, wierd type of clothing, bell bottom pants n n lots more.....

As the director n maker Vipul Amrutlal Shah believes in numerology, he has altered the spelling of his forthcoming flick ‘Action Replayy’ too. Reportedly, the numerologists suggested to him to add one more “Y” in the last word of the title

One more incident took place while the releasing of Action Replayy posters. Incidentally, the posters of two big movies ‘Action Replayy’ and ‘Dabangg’ are quite similar. While the ‘Dabangg’ poster displays two hearts superimposed on Salman's glares, that of the ‘Action Replayy’ shows two hearts stuck on Akshay's dark glasses! Because of this similarity, filmmaker Shah had to change the posters of his forthcoming film at the last minute.

Vipul admits that he had this kind of idea but since ‘Dabangg’ did it so beautifully they thought of doing something else. Hence, his movie’s new poster will have the same look without the two red hearts. The movie stars Akshay Kumar, Aishwarya Rai, Neha Dhupia, Randhir Kapoor and Rajpal Yadav, besides others. Based on a 1994 Gujarati play by the same name, it is a time-travel comedy capturing Mumbai in the 1970s. The film is slated to hit the screens on Diwali November 05, 2010.

Dabangg promises too be a Total paisa wasool entertainer
Salman fans, rejoice! You walk in DABANGG with 100% expectations and you exit with 200% gratification. Entertainment guaranteed. This film will create a pandemonium of sorts, a mass hysteria, crushing old records and setting new benchmarks at the box-office.. 
The who's who of Bollywood were seen at the premiere of Salman Khan starrer Dabangg, which opened to rave reviews today.

The red carpet premiere was attended by yesteryear actors Jeetendra, Dharmendra plus Sallu's co-actresses including hottie Sushmita Sen, Juhi Chawla, Cludia Ciesla, Zarine Khan and other members of the film fraternity.

Chulbul Pandey, co-written by writer-director Abhinav Kashyap and enacted by Salman Khan, is the most thunderously crackling character I've seen in a Bollywood film in months.

It's the role of a lifetime and Salman Khan bites into it like a starving man devours a feast. He inhabits it fully, strutting and swaggering and even, spoofing himself.

Bollywood's sex siren Bipasha Basu, who made it to the premiere, tweeted: "Went 4 Dabaang premiere. Total 1 man show! Salman's humour action romance n arrogance in d flm al make him a very endearing Chulbul Pandey."

Earlier Big B said Munni Badnam, the item number performed by Malaika Arora Khan in Dabangg was very good and he wished the entire team of Dabangg.

Few pictures of premiere

Guest at the premiere
Salman and Sonakshi

Review of  Dabangg by Rajeev Massand:

Masand: 'Dabangg' is ordinary, at best average

Cast: Salman Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Vinod Khanna, Arbaaz Khan
Director: Abhinav Kashyap
Who'd have thought one caterpillar moustache and a pair of Ray Ban Aviators (that he dangles from the back collar of his shirt, by the way) is all it needed to finally turn Salman Khan into a wholesome character on screen? 

That character is Inspector Chulbul Pandey, the charming protagonist of director Abhinav Kashyap's Dabangg; and for a change Salman doesn't sleepwalk through this role. In fact it's the most fun you seen him having on screen as far back as you can remember.
Kashyap's haphazardly plotted film is set in a small town in Uttar Pradesh, where Chulbul Pandey is a lovable but corrupt cop who steals from the bad guys and passes on some of the cash to those in genuine need. In a thoroughly enjoyable opening set piece that defines the tone of this film, he single-handedly vanquishes a gang of armed crooks, with only a water hose at his disposal.
The action in this movie has a distinctly comic-book feel to it, reminiscent of those popular Tamil B-movies. Villains are repeatedly whacked on the head with iron rods, and glass slabs are smashed into their faces, yet it's not the kind of visceral violence that makes you turn away your face disgustedly. Filmed mostly in slo-mo, and involving several gravity-defying gimmicks these action scenes, choreographed by Telugu cinema veteran S Vijayan, are the sort that are likely to elicit wolf-whistles.
Salman never shies away from mixing up the silly with the serious; and in fact some of the film's most entertaining scenes are borne out of this formula. When the mobile phone of the villain's henchman goes off in the middle of a fight, Chulbul breaks into a jig set to the musical caller tune. And in a later seemingly serious confrontation scene with a crooked local politician, he breaks into splits himself on delivering a cheap-but-hilarious threat that is too crude to repeat here.
Infusing the film's action, dance and comic portions with a pedestrian stylishness that is entirely original and inexplicably endearing, Salman is consistently watchable despite the flawed script. Kashyap's plot is centered on Chulbul's animosity towards his stepfather and half-brother (played by Vinod Khanna and Arbaaz Khan), and his clash with a politician-thug (played by Sonu Sood). The domestic discord is a weak link that's never substantially explained or justified; and this is the kind of predictable film in which the villain will exploit the hostility between the brothers to get back at Chulbul.
Blame it on the disjointed screenplay if Dabangg works not so much as a coherent, consistent film, but as a string of set-pieces. As a result it feels way longer than its two-hours-and-five-minutes running time, and the climatic action scene that takes place outside the villain's den seems never-ending.
The track that stands out in this fractured narrative is the playful romance between Chulbul and Rajo, the daughter of a local drunk who he practically bullies into falling for him. It helps that newcomer Sonakshi Sinha has a smoldering presence, and is never lost even in scenes in which she has nothing to do. For a change, the half-dozen or so songs in this film are a welcome distraction because they're distinctly melodious, and because Salman bursts life into them with his comical performance. The imaginatively shot title track, and the Munni badnaam hui item song (filmed on Malaika Arora) are particularly memorable.
Intended as a throwback to those masala 70s potboilers set in the hinterland of India, Dabangg has the ambition and the imagination, it appears, but suffers on account of schizophrenic writing. The film's second half is tiresome to sit through, particularly those long, plodding scenes in which Sonu Sood's character plots his revenge on Chulbul. One isn't looking for an intelligent storyline or character depth in this kind of movie, but there is no excuse for the uneven pacing, and for the film's middle portion that is unmistakably boring.
Of the supporting cast, Vinod Khanna has precious little to do but scowl, and Dimple Kapadia as Chulbul's mother hams it up till your sides hurt from laughing. Arbaaz Khan is sadly wooden, but Sonu Sood makes an impression as the smiling bad guy.
The film then belongs to Salman Khan who dives into the character with an enthusiasm we haven't seen before. He relishes every moment of delivering those cocky lines, and turns Chulbul Pandey into possibly the most enduring character he's ever played.
You're laughing when his shirt rips open in the movie's climax by the sheer flexing of his muscles, but that's a good metaphor to describe this film even. An ordinary, at best average film, Dabangg can barely contain the presence of its larger-than-life star.
I'm going with two-and-a-half out of five for director Abhinav Kashyap's Dabangg. Watch it strictly for Salman, who delivers enough bang for your buck!
Rating: 2.5 / 5

Thats enough for today.....n hope u liked it....
ur comments will be valueable and respected.... Now, I take ur leave GOODBYE...!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Me n my world: First Day in Blogging World..

Me n my world: First Day in Blogging World..: "First day in Blogging world, steping as a amatuer n hope to become a pro in dis field....... As it is my first day so not going to fast to ..."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day in Blogging World..

First day in Blogging world, steping as a amatuer n hope to become a pro in dis field.......

As it is my first day so not going to fast to become a pro....
Firstly I introduce myself right...
I m Sourabh Agrawal and friend's call me NEO (b'coz I love matrix)
doing Engineering in Electronics and Communication...
I live in DELHI which is in INDIA....
n I love watching Movies especially action flicks, loves to read books
but not my study ones others which have stories, fiction, mystery,
technology, villians yaa you got it right that kind of books i like the most.
                                                      I m a type of person who like to be wid friends everytime and gadgets is
                                                      my weak point.  

As it is clear from above dis blog is going to be on movies, music, games, technology, books, n to answer my friends problem N believe me I m very good in solving problems n HELPING friends....

Your feeback is must u all can contact me at
n my facebook account.
will going to meet u soon now bye from my side now its your's turn to show me ur love for me n my blog....!!!
and and  atlast enjoy dis new trailer of the movie Action Replayy-India goes retro starring Akshay Kumar n Aishwarya rai Directed by Vipul amrutlal shah.

And Now finally Good bye, njoy d video......